Beyond the trail . . .
The Namakwa 4x4 Eco Trail takes you through a picturesque but relatively small section of Namaqualand which extends from the Atlantic Ocean on the west coast, to the little town of Pofadder in the east, to the Orange River in the north, and south to Garies.
Namaqualand, which encompasses the Richtersveld, has the highest botanical diversity and rates of endemism of any arid region in the world, with many succulent flora exhibiting unique adaptations to enable them to survive in such an extreme environment. The Succulent Karoo is one of only thirty-four biodiversity hotspots, as recognised by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
Take the time, after enjoying the trail, to explore the natural protected ares of Goegap Nature Reserve, /Ai/Ais-Richtersveld Transfrontier Park, Richtersveld World Heritage Site, Hester Malan Wild Flower Garden, and the Namaqua National Park.
Below are a few pointers of two natural extensions to the trail:

World Heritage Site
The Richtersveld Cultural and Botanical Landscape, formerly a community conservancy, was inscribed as a World Heritage Site in 2007. The site is comprised of a Core Zone of 160,000 hectares which is bordered by the /Ai/Ais-Richtersveld Transfrontier Park, Nababeep Nature Reserve to the south-east, and Richtersveld communal land in the south and west.
Culturally the Richtersveld WHS is the last refuge of the Nama people living a transhumant lifestyle. t is also one of the few places in South Africa where the language of Nama is still widely spoken.
It is the only place remaining in the world where some Nama still reside in intricately constructed portable rush dome-shaped huts called !haru oms (Matjieshuis).
Rustic campsites: We have six simply equipped campsites within the boundaries of the World Heritage Site - each in a spot which generations of nomad herders favoured as a seasonal stop over.
To minimise our impact, an absolute maximum of 3-6 cars are allowed in each place.
Basic Campsites: Kannikaip, Tierhoek, Glybank Fluorspar Valley, Sun Valley Campsite, Stinkfontein and Rosyntjiebos.
For more information go to
Transfrontier Park
The /Ai/Ais-Richtersveld Transfrontier Park is a peace park straddling the border between South Africa and Namibia. It was formed in 2003 by combining the Namibian /Ai/Ais-Hot Springs Game Park and the South African Richtersveld National Park.
Most of the South African part of the park forms part of the buffer zone of the Richtersveld World Heritage Site, which measures 5,920 square kilometers.
The Fish River Canyon is located in the Namibian side of the park and is the largest canyon in Africa.
The Sendelingsdrift tourist facilities enable tourists and locals to travel between Namibia and South Africa on a pont within the boundaries of the park. Immigration offices are open on both sides of the Orange River.
A variety of accommodation is available with chalets at Senderlingsdrift, Hakkiesdoring, Gannakouriep and Tatasberg.
Campsites, with ablutions are at Pootjiespram,
De Hoop, Richtersberg and Kokerboomkloof.
For more information go to
Things to see and do in the villages
Please take note that the activities mentioned below should be booked in advance.
Speak to a cultural tour guide
• Visit the historical stone where the Bushmen
sharpened their arrows in the past
• Don’t miss the historical Cathedral Church
• Visit the historical David’s Caves
• Historical stone named Leeukop
• Enjoy traditional Nama Dance by the local people
• Historical German Graves
• Visit the Quiver Trees Forest
• Visit the Chrystal Caves
• Watch traditional Nama Dance
• Enjoy traditional Nama food
• Horse Riding
• Story telling by the local Nama People
• Enjoy traditional Nama food
• Visit the Graves of South African Soldiers, First World War
• Historical Grave of Jan Viool after which Vioolsdrift was named
• Old Stone Mine where interesting colourful stones (“Prentjiesklip”) occurs.
• River Rafting & Canoeing on the Orange River
• History of the Bosluis Basters
• Tours by donkey cart
• Story telling by the Nama People
• SAN rock engravings
• Bushmen rock art
• Local hospitality and tasty traditional meals
• Traditional Nama Dances
• Traditional Nama Choir
• Story telling
• Experience the culture of the Nama People
• Nama Dances
• Nama poems, songs, dance and stories
• Visit the “Wondergat”
• Story telling about “The Big Snake”
• Interesting geology, such as “The Visklip”
• Experience the culture of the Nama People
• Traditional Nama Dance performed by the Primary School
• Visit the Orange River Mouth on horseback or horse cart
• Visit the Lichen Fields
• Fishing at the Orange River
• Town tours: History of Alexander Bay
• Traditional Food

Piece of Paradise

Palm dates
Flying high